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First off, what’s an elixir? Is this a drink mixer or a medicine?

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Yes, and yes. Ceybon elixirs start their life as plant and mushroom based tinctures, which are a form of plant medicine. We then blend them with more mushrooms and herbs for flavor and then combine them all in raw, Norcal honey. This transforms herbal medicine into an elixir for drinking. So they taste good and are good for you, a winning combination.

What do I do with them?

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The short answer is put them in your mouth! No, but seriously, start out with one dropperful directly under your tongue. This will help you to find the right amount of elixir for your taste preference and effect. A standard amount is 2 dropperfuls 3 times a day.

Once you find your right dose, then you can add it to anything; water, tea, coffee, a cocktail or mocktail of your choice.

How will they feel?

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The mood boosting mushroom elixirs do just that, they lift the mood, the energy or the mental clarity and lighten the vibe. This effect is mild and lasts about an hour. 

The body boosting mushroom elixirs lend support to the body in different ways depending on the formulation. Their names let you know what they are good for ie: PMS, Sleep, Immunity, etc.

How do I know they will work?

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Ceybon elixirs are doctor formulated and laboratory produced. We use only wildcrafted or organic botanicals with high potency and research proven efficacy.

Want to learn more about the research? Let us know! We’re happy to send you articles and studies for many of our ingredients.

Looking for more custom experience?

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We’ve got you! All the Ceybon elixirs are doctor formulated and the good news is, you can meet with the doctor and have a custom elixir (or two) made just for you.

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