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About Us



Are you ready to elevate your mood, reduce pain, look and feel your best, and reconnect to your essential well-being? Dr. Giulietta is here to guide you on a transformative journey toward holistic health.

For over two decades, Dr. Giulietta has empowered thousands of individuals to heal beyond injury, illness, and trauma. Collaborating with her will empower you to unlock your full potential—physically, emotionally, and spiritually—helping you to thrive in every aspect of your life.

With a unique blend of expertise—a Bachelor of Arts in Somatic Therapy, a Master of Science, and a Doctorate in Integrative Traditional Chinese Medicine—Dr. Giulietta offers a comprehensive approach to healing (see her training here). Her profound insight into becoming harmonious in mind, body, and spirit allows her to comprehensively address all facets of your well-being.

Dr. Giulietta’s approach is rooted in the belief that joy and belonging are essential to our health. Through her guidance, you'll cultivate a deeper connection to yourself and the world around you, fostering a profound sense of ease and overall well-being.

In addition to her practice, she is the founder of Ceybon AF non-alcoholic adaptogenic mushroom-infused non-alcoholic aperitifs and Ceybon elixirs. She is on a mission to put our wellness at the center of happy hour and social celebrations and flip the script on how we drink and socialize. Ceybon Chill AF, Happy AF, Bright AF are great tasting non-alcoholic cocktails that help us relax and ease into a more playful social state.

Ceybon AF addresses all the reasons you want to drink alcohol but in a healthier and more sustainable way.Toast to life’s most memorable moments with Ceybon AF — alcohol-free aperitifs that taste great and are as good for you as they are for the planet.

Training and Modalities

Book A Session


Individualized Care

Meet with Dr. Giulietta at her San Francisco clinic, Mill Valley office and remotely for intuitive healing and evidence based mind-body medicine tailored specifically to your wellness needs.


Non-Alcoholic Wellness Cocktails

Celebrate life without the harm or addictive dangers of alcohol. Try Ceybon wellness bitters and Ceybon AF today. The alcohol-free, functional mushroom and adpatogen infused cocktail mixers and bitters for mood, energy and focus.


Community Connections

Dr. Giulietta offers seasonal self-care in classes and collaborates on public events, educational talks and experiences on causes she believes in like environmentally sound wellness, mushroom education and reproductive rights. Events

Giving Back

Every dollar you spend with Ceybon supports food, water, mental health and reproductive rights for diverse communities.



ANS Reset Techniques

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Breathing & Mindfulness Coaching

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Chi Nei Tsang (visceral therapy)

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Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture

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Craniosacral Therapy

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Energy Medicine & Shamanic Traditional Healing

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Functional Medicine Testing

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Gua Sha

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Holistic Counseling

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Holistic Nutrition Assessment

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Myofascial Release

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Bachelor of Arts in Somatics

Masters of Science in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Clinical Doctorate in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Certifications in Shiatsu, Myofascial Release and Craniosacral Therapies

LaHoChi Energy Medicine, a powerful hands-on healing technique that brings in a very high frequency of light.

Reiki - with SF Reiki Center in the lineage of  Hawayo Takata and the discipline of Usui Shiki Ryohothe Usui System of Natural Healing.  

Shamanic Principles and Energy Medicine with the Foundation of the Sacred Stream

Chinese Medicine Fertility and Women's Primary Care- Assistant teacher and apprentice of Dr. Lifang Liang, author of the book Acupuncture & IVF: Increase IVF Success by 40-60%

Chi Nei Tsang and Qi Gong- the study of the breath, our internal organs, their emotions, and how to touch the belly with Gilles Marin in the lineage of Mantak Chia

Constitutional Facial Acupuncture with Mary Elizabeth Wakefield

Acupuncture Pain Management using Applied Channel Theory with Yefim Gamgoneishvili and Battlefield Acupuncture with John Howard

Radical Therapy with Beth Roy

Neurotransmitter Repair Through Diet and Targeted Supplementation at ACTCM

Dr. Giulietta Octavio, DACM

Dr. Giulietta created Ceybon to share the power of plants to heal your burnout, transform your mood and create a positive environmental impact in the process.

Her values of growing joy, cultivating wellness and living sustainably show up in everything she does.

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