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Wholesale Price List

Ceybon AF Alcohol-free, Msuhroom-infused Aperitifs

MSRP $39.99 

Wholesale Pricing and Terms: 

We have a 2 (12 count) case minimum for wholesale. 
The more cases you buy the lower the price per case. 
Additionally, we include a sample bottle for every 2 cases you purchase.  
Three Tier Price List: 
Tier One: 2-3 Cases 
12 count case - 287.88/ case  
1 sample bottle per order
Tier Two: 4-5 Cases
12 count case - 275.88/ case
3 sample bottles per order
Tier Three: 6+ Cases
12 count case -263.88/ case
4+ sample bottles per order
Split Cost Shipping 50/50 
Placing An Order: 
Option One: 
Order from the wholesale website here and pay by credit card at time of order. 
Option Two: 
Reply to this email with what you want, the address to receive shipment and the contact information of accounting to receive the invoice to pay by ACH. 
The first order is payment up front. Subsequent orders are net 15. 
Option Three: 
Order via Airgoods or Faire for net 30+ terms. 
Keep in mind two three things when you order: 
1. You're going to sell- through a LOT of Ceybon. 
2. Ceybon is shelf stable for 18 months.
3. We are similar to an estate wine, in that we only produce 750 cases per production run and we currently do two runs a year. 
In short, if you love us, don't be afraid to order into at least Tier Two
for your first order. 
Let me know how we can be of further assistance:
Check out these recent articles about us in the news: 


 Ceybon Elixirs

$192 per case of 12, 1 oz. bottles

MSRP $30

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