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Mushroom Summit Featuring Ceybon AF

Mushroom Summit Featuring Ceybon AF

Monterey Mushroom Summit


We have exciting news for all of our mushroom lovers out there - Ceybon’s Alcohol Free mushroom-infused cocktails will be featured at the Mushroom Summit in Monterey! This summit, which takes place from June 5-6 at the Monterey Conference Center, will help educate about and promote mushrooms as the medicinal health food powerhouses that they are.

Here are the top 5 reasons to attend this incredible event: 

  • As the health and wellness industries continue to grow exponentially, recognize functional mushrooms as the “next big thing” and get involved early
  • Recognize the product diversity and how functional mushrooms are being incorporated into supplements, foods and beverages, skincare, and more
  • Understand the science behind functional mushrooms to truly grasp their potential 
  • Engage with key players and early leaders in this emerging industry, to forge beneficial partnerships and be part of this growing community
  • Evaluate effective strategies to educate the consumer on the many benefits of functional mushrooms and how to best incorporate into their lifestyle

Reishi Mushroom Spotlight

a piece of food that is sitting on a table

Reishi mushroom, also known as the Mushroom of Immortality, is a star player in our Ceybon AF line of ready-to-drink, mushroom-infused aperitifs, Bright AF, Chill AF and Happy AF cocktails, which will be served to Mushroom Summit participants. Traditionally used for strengthening the heart, improving cognitive function, and prolonging lifespan, reishi has been an ally to humans for millennia. Used for over 2,000 years in Chinese medicine, reishi is known as a calming adaptogen that subtly shifts and expands awareness while nourishing the spirit, or shen. Shen refers to a person’s emotional balance and consciousness - when our shen needs nourishment we experience anxiety, insomnia, moodiness, and poor memory, among other symptoms. Reishi, as a grounding, relaxing, and wise presence helps us with these challenges and its effects, while subtle, build up over time to help balance us in myriad ways. You can see why, as a relaxing spirit-nourishing mushroom, reishi is one of our most important ingredients in our Chill AF and Happy AF cocktails.

Along with these nervous system benefits, reishi also contains polysaccharides that help modulate the immune system - stimulating our defenses when necessary and down-regulating hyper-active immune responses. Bitter triterpenes, also found in Reishi, are anti-inflammatory and liver protective.

To receive these health benefits of reishi mushroom, we recommend trying our Bright AF, Chill AF and Happy AF cocktails, where our high quality reishi has been extracted by master herbalists to ensure you get the maximum benefits possible. Come join us and sip these cocktails at the Mushroom Summit, where you can learn about the mushrooms that help us thrive.


Find us on instagram to stay connected with Ceybon.

Curious about the research behind Reishi’s benefits? 

Check a few here:


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