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What’s A Hot Calmy?

What’s A Hot Calmy?

The Better Hot Toddy.

1oz. Euphoria Found

8 oz. hot water

orange wedge

a spoonful of honey optional.

Sit back, take a deep breath and allow this delightful drink to carry you into chillax-town.

Sounds amazing but wait, what’s Euphoria Found?

Euphoria Found is a drink mixer botanical medicinal to lighten your mood without getting high.

It is the brainchild of 5 years of research, seeking and sourcing for an environmentally sound, celebratory alternative to booze or weed.

It is a synergistic elixir of Chinese, Western and Ayurvedic herbs formulated to reduce emotional stress, muscle tension, and increase positive mood,

in a low alcohol base*, blended with raw, local honey.

Euphoria comes in gift size and hoarder size. Be sure to pick up a few of both!

*each serving has 1/2 a banana worth of alcohol, but serving it in hot water evaporates that off to zero banana worth.

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