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Wholesale Welcome Page

Welcome to your Ceybon Wholesale Account!

We appreciate your business and are excited to be your partner in sales, experiences and activations.

Here are the links to your Wholesale toolkit: 

(You must create a wholesale account HERE  for wholesale pricing.


Welcome To Ceybon!

We Are Amazing

We are a wellness lifestyle brand that makes doing good and feeling good more fun. We specialize in non-alcoholic bitters and aperitifs crafted from sustainably sourced, organic, and wildcrafted mushrooms and botanicals grown within 50 miles of our headquarters in Northern California. Our founder is a doctor of integrative Chinese medicine, clinical herbalism, and sustainable product development. How amazing is that?!

You Are Awesome

Our motto clearly states that you are the AWESOME part of the equation. One of the biggest reasons we do amazing stuff, besides fun, healing, and nature, is that it provides the opportunity to co-create with YOU. We are inspired by you and excited to partner with you in bringing Ceybon AF and more to the people.

Together We Make a Difference To Our Customers and the Planet

At Ceybon AF, we like to do things differently. For instance, we make cocktails that are good for you, using just four ingredients: mushrooms, herbs, citrus, and agave. This simple approach allows us to meticulously maintain our quality and sourcing. Each ingredient is chosen with a deep knowledge of its traditional healing properties for supporting energy, digestion, detox, and mood. For instance, we use only low-glycemic agave to minimize the impact on blood sugar levels for sensitive individuals and diabetics. We use damiana to create a euphoric feeling without alcohol.

Let's Feel Good About Profitability 

Our bitters and aperitifs are good for you and the earth, and they are also premium ingredient beverages, designed to command a premium price point. Up your AOV with the elevated, adult beverage experience of Ceybon AF. 




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