2020 was a banner year for bad news and alcohol use.
I’m not a fan of fad diets or trendy month-themed kicks. But I am wholeheartedly for a Dry January.
Dry January is so much more than a fad and it can have a positive impact on your health that extends far beyond January.
Since covid, the most accessible thing to manage fear and anxiety has been alcohol.
Ask yourself, how often have I felt fear and anxiety in the last year?
Now ask yourself, how much am I drinking? I mean really?
2020 was a banner year for bad news and alcohol use.
Feeling blue, and freaked out by the world around us, alcohol eased the pain.
And we’d lost so many other means for managing our mental health and wellness, it really came in handy.
However, drinking our fears away cannot go on for ever. You know it and I know it.
For the vast majority of us, it’s high time for a break.
Welcome to Dry January!
What if I don’t want to stop drinking forever?
No problem!
If you stop drinking for just 1 month, studies show you can improve your sleep, your concentration, your skin and
your metabolism. And not just for January, but for the whole rest of the year.
What will I do to manage my feelings without alcohol?
Four tools to manage your feelings without alcohol
Go for a 10 minute walk. Movement and visual stimulation of being outside change your brain chemistry to a more positive state.
Practice coherent breathing for 10 minutes. Inhale as the squares expand, exhale as the squares contract in this video.
Make yourself an alternative cocktail. Mix 1 teaspoon of Euphoria Found in 3oz. ginger beer and 3oz. sparkling water. Garnish with lime and some rosemary or mint.
Get regular wellness support with hands-on or on-line care. Having a trusted mind-body care provider who you see regularly can help you feel connected and more positive.
Dry January is a great opportunity to reset and renew your health. To connect with community, support and tips on Dry January, check out my IG page @goapothecary.